Lots going on at Dear today:
*Grade cards are going home - look for them in folders
*PTO Meeting tonight at 6:30 in Dear library
*Mrs. Horine's class CLAY NIGHT 6:00 in the art room

Join our teachers and staff on Wednesday, January 15th from 4 -8 pm at our Richmond McDonald's for McTeacher Night!

Dear Elementary Clay Nights are coming. Click the link below to get all the dates.

Happy New Year Spartan Nation!

Santa visited Dear Elementary for the annual "Teddy Bear Tuesday" (Wednesday this year due to a snow day). They read the book "The Night Before Christmas" with Santa.

Happy Thanksgiving Spartan Nation!

R-XVI Board of Education announces the hiring of Dr. Jim Finley as Acting Superintendent of Schools. Dr. Finley will begin his duties as Acting Superintendent on December 2, 2019.