Dear Elementary
701 East Main Street
Richmond, MO 64085
Phone: (816) 776-5401
Fax: (816) 776-2110
Christine Bartz, Administrative Assistant

"Spartan Pride begins here”. We are looking forward to seeing our returning students and their families.We are even more excited to meet our new students and to get to know their families.
Dear Elementary has a student population consisting of Preschool, Kindergarten and First grade students. The start of the school year will be spent introducing and practicing lots of routines and procedures that will help students be safe and keep the building running efficiently. There will also be procedures for parents and community members to follow when visiting our school to keep our students safe. Our staff is very dedicated to giving your child the best education possible during their first years of school.
Our goal is that each child will make positive growth academically, socially and behaviorally. We will need your partnership to make this possible. It will be important for you to read with your child at home and share in family activities that are promoted. In addition, it is important that your child be at school and on time. If a child is at school every day, they will receive their education from a qualified instructor. In the younger years, the instruction takes place in the classroom. It is difficult to send homework home that would match that instruction. A child is learning responsibility and accountability by being in school every day possible. Please emphasize to your child that they should only be absent if they are running a fever or there is a family emergency. Parents will also need to make sure that students arrive on time. When a child is late it interferes with their day, interrupts the teacher, and the learning of other students. Being on time is a good life skill to teach your child.
The Dear Elementary Staff is eager to get the school year started and to do what we do best... TEACH!!! Please partner with us to make this the best experience possible for your child. A great way to be a positive partner is to join the Richmond PTO. They make a wonderful impact on our building.